Here’s the blessing I received at age 15 in 1975. I think my dad had me get it, and it didn’t mean much to me then. Over the years, I didn’t pay much attention to it, as it seemed pretty bland. I forgot to take it on my mission and had my parents mail it to me. I had noticed its lack of my lineage declaration, but in my fully devoted state, didn’t think that was a big deal, so I ignored the problem until last year. That's when I heard a patriarch talk and emphasize that patriarchal blessings come from the Lord, and the declaration of lineage was the most important part. So, I started asking why the Lord left mine out. Responses were:
BrotherXXXX XXXXX: By the power that I hold as a Patriarch in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and in answer to your request, I lay my hands upon your head this night and give to you your patriarchal blessing, a blessing that can help guide and direct your life here upon the earth as you prepare for life in the Celestial Kingdom with your Heavenly Father. Become acquainted with the blessings that may be yours. They are predicated upon your worthiness, upon your ability to live your life in accordance with the commandments of your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There are many things given to us in this day to help guide and direct us as we prepare for life in the Celestial Kingdom. As we partake of these things, properly using them,they can become a benefit to us, can be useful tools as we prepare for blessings to come.
XXXX, you are living in a day when the gospel has been restored in all it’s fullness, a day when there are living prophets upon the earth, a day when we can walk and talk with holders of the Holy Priesthood to receive of their direction. I bless you that you will, at all times, place yourself in a position to receive of this counsel and direction, as it can be a great aid and assistance to you in working out life’s problems.I bless you with the ability to communicate openly with your Heavenly Father. Approach Him in diligent prayer and He will give you answers to your problems. As you properly prepare yourself, you will know by the burning within your bosom when you have made the right and proper choice.
I bless you that you may continue to develop in mind and body, that you will be able to adequately prepare yourself to sustain yourself throughout your life in proper and dignified employment, in useful and worth-while activity.
I bless you that you will be able to expand upon the talents which your Heavenly Father gave you, that as a worthy steward of these talents, you will develop them. Remember the parable of the talents. Much will be added to you as you develop your talents, but if you neglect them, they will be taken from you and will be of no efficacy in your life.
I bless you,
XXXX, with the ability to choose good companions. Associate with those people who have similar ideals and goals. Use your influence for good to help shape the lives of your associates. You will find that you have the ability to communicate the gospel to others. You will be able to bring joy and happiness into their lives as they hear, as they understand, as they accept the eternal principles contained in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Many people in the world are seeking diligently and earnestly for this enlightenment.I bless you that the time will come when you will be called to serve as a full-time missionary, to take the gospel into the world to wherever your Heavenly Father has need of you to serve and to be of use in His Kingdom.
I bless you that you may continue, in health, in strength, in vigor of mind and body, to serve your Heavenly Father throughout all your days, that your testimony may continue to increase, that it may serve you well.
I bless you that you will be able to find suitable outlets for your energy that are in accordance with your Heavenly Father’s will. Engage only in honorable pursuits, those which bring dignity. Serve diligently in the callings which come to you in the Church. Support those placed over you and you will find much joy and happiness come to you. I bless you that you will be able to accept positions of responsibility and leadership in your Heavenly Father’s Kingdom. They will bring joy into your heart.
I bless you that your home may always be a place of peace and happiness surrounded by beautiful things to help make life enjoyable and pleasant. I bless you that you may always have a desire to freely share your time, your talents, your abilities, your means, that your Heavenly Father’s work may go forward upon the earth, and that you will receive great satisfaction as you dothis.
I bless you,
XXXX, that you may always be sensitive to the problems of the world. The Adversary is ever eager to win followers. I bless you that you will have the ability and the discerning mind to detect evil influences, to be able to shun them, to rule them out, to expell them from your life. I bless you that you, with the strength to resist temptation, will never be tempted beyond your power to resist. Through the power of the Priesthood which you hold and your determination to do your Heavenly Father’s will, you will be guided and directed at such times. Keep yourself clean and pure and unspotted from the sins of the world and your Heavenly Father will reward you richly.These blessings I seal upon you,
XXXX, counselling you to keep your Heavenly Father as a companion, listen for and respond to the promptings of the Spirit and you will be properly guided throughout all the days of your life.I bless you that you may rise in the resurrection to immortality and eternal life to dwell with your family as an eternal unit and with the influence of your Heavenly Father. This I do in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Signed by the Patriarch and Scribe