Sister Deb --- ----- as a humble Patriarch in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, in humility I lay my hands upon your head in the authority of the Holy Priesthood and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and give you a patriarchal blessing as you have desired and as the vision of my mind is open and receptive to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of our Heavenly Father.Sister "Deb," the keynote in your blessing is an index to point the way of life for you and the path that you should follow in your service to your Heavenly Father, your family and mankind and in your search for eternal joy and happiness. I bless you that you will prayerfully read your blessing from time to time, be conscious of its overall meaning and it will be a comfort and guiding influence as you journey over the path of your mortal probation and will help you remain faithful and true to the covenants that you have made with our Heavenly Father at the waters of baptism and complete your mission in honor and to the full expectation of your Heavenly Father.
Our Heavenly father is conscious of your presence upon the earth and knows of your goodness, your desire to be useful in the hands of the Lord to further establish Zion and help roll forward the Latter Day glory. You were reserved to come to mortality from the presence of our Heavenly Father where you lived as a choice spirit. You earned the privilege of coming during the dispensation of the fulness of time when the gospel has been restored through the instrumentality of the Prophet Joseph Smith. I am sure you have a firm testimony of the gospel, and the divinity of the mission of our Lord and Master and of the fact that we have a living Prophet guiding and directing the affairs of the church here upon the earth today. I am sure that you are a happy recipient of the blessings of the gospel, ready and willing to devote your time, your talents that the Lord has blessed you with in helping to bring to fulfillment the divine purposes, the salvation and exaltation of our Heavenly Father's children.
You are a rightful heir to the blessings promised the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob which you will receive through your devotion to the cause of righteousness. You are of the House of Israel through the lineage of Ephraim the son of Joseph. May you realize that it is your responsibility to help carry the gospel to the people of the world and help prepare the earth for the coming of our Lord and Master. I bless you that you will continue to honor your noble lineage and help with this important work and the Lord will shower His blessings upon you for so doing. I bless you that you will continue to be worthy of the blessings of the gospel, that you will observe things that take place in the church and in your family which will be a source of comfort and blessing to you.
I bless you Sister ------- that you will continue to study the scriptures which will fortify you against temptation and give you an inward security. The Holy Spirit will help you translate the words of the Master into your life more properly in order that you can harmonize the laws of our Heavenly Father with your personal situations and help you overcome the trials and temptations of mortality and remain faithful and true to the end.
I bless you Sister ------- that your thoughts will be as a pure spring of water continually flowing from a source of purity and then if anything enters that might destroy its purity it will be quickly washed away. I bless you that you will guard your virtue as you would your life which will be a great blessing to you throughout your life.
I bless you that you will continue to accept opportunities in the church to serve in any capacity to which you are called. Through your obedience to the commandments of the Lord and sustaining the authorities of the church you will perform your duties in a righteous manner and be an example of righteousness to others. In your service and love for others you will engender peace and good-will among them. They will endeavor to emulate your virtues and follow in your footsteps and will be a source of inspiration and guiding influence to the members of the church and your community in which you reside.
I bless you that you will have a desire to accompany your companion into the Temple of the Lord and kneel the sacred altar and be sealed for time and for all eternity which is the supreme blessing of the gospel received in this life. Let nothing prevent you from receiving this wonderful blessing and you will keep sacred your covenants that this sealing power and blessing will be efficacious through the eternal ages.
I bless you that you will realize the importance of motherhood and prepare in righteousness to receive some of the spirit children of our Heavenly Father, providing for them tabernacles of flesh in which they can enjoy the blessings of mortality and prepare for blessings in the life to come. I bless you that you will be a queen of your home, a righteous mother in Israel and guide and direct your posterity to walk in the ways of the Lord. You will enjoy peace and happiness and the spirit of the Lord will be in your home as you are faithful and true to your covenants.
I bless you that you will be well-cared for physically, spiritually and in all ways and enjoy the blessings of this earth and live many years in the service of the Lord and partake of the blessings of the earth and prepare for greater blessings in the life to come. I bless you that you will be free from the sins of the world and have the power to resist the temptations of the adversary, keeping yourself clean and pure.
I bless you that you will have the power to prepare for a glorious resurrection, to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection and receive the blessings that your righteous life and conduct have merited you through your activities and actions in the flesh.
Before I close your blessing, I bless you that you will be mindful of teaching the gospel to your kindred and everyone and also realize the importance of researching the records of your kindred dead. Help provide the necessary ordinances that will qualify them for the blessings of the gospel.
I humbly seal this blessing upon your head according to your worthiness and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Harvey -- -----, Patriarch
(May 26, 1979)